Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Scary shopping

My wife sent me to Target last night to get some jeans for the boys.

I don't want to do that anymore. It's scary. They have racks and racks of clothing. All poorly labeled. There isn't anyone around to help you find what you are looking for. You have to dig it up yourself. Very scary. I'll take cooking and yard duty anyday.

I would much rather go to Old Navy where someone will walk me to the section I need and pull out what I need. That is much safer. At least once I looked through the section I was able to slink over to the food section where I feel more comfortable.

She gave me a pair of jeans as an example. I came back empty handed. Turns out I was searching for jeans for the wrong boy.

As I was checking out at the register a couple of teenage boys were behind me with 4 18 packs of eggs. Me thinks they weren't making a big omelet.



At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big omelet at someone or something!!

Guess you take after me in that also.


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