Thursday, August 10, 2006


Kids can be so annoying and exhausting and stressful and time consuming. And then they smile at you, or tell you a funny joke and you forget about all of that.

Well, not the exhaustion.

Our oldest is the blond one here who built the building. It was his version of a skyscraper apartment building. It looks like a building that Dr. Seuss would have drawn.

This is a picture of our youngest one playing with his Thomas train. He's building a new set of tracks to drive it on. He loves to have his picture taken. The dog is supervising things back there in the back.

Group hug!



At 7:33 AM, Blogger viperinkorea said...

oh wow, they are both getting so much taller. And they are both getting more slender. I miss them. Give them a hug from Uncle Ben.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger The Donut Guy said...

2 boys? I can only imagine.

We have one of each.

(Our daughter is 18 and headed off to college this week)

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I don't want to hear anything about any obnoxiousness of any kids whatsoever since school is starting back up soon, and I'll be spending my day with a roomful!:)

Devotay is a restaurant on Linn St. in IC. You and Rachael will have to come down and go out to eat with me and Jim. You can check out New Pioneer Co-op, too.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Matt said...

You can imagine George. You can imagine. It's the stuff nightmares are made of!! :-)

I was able to check out the co-op yesterday when I was cruising through town. Nice place. I would definately be interested in checking out Devotay sometime. Definately.


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