Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Answer to zucchinni problem

I've found an answer to my zucchinni problem. It appears to be squash borers. A Google search yields this kind of information.

It turns out these things are pretty darn hard to control. Mother Earth News has some hints about how to protect yourself.

What this all boils down to is that I most likely won't plant them again if they are this much work. Or at least I'll make sure to plant each single plant away from each other plant to make it harder for the borer to move around and get them all.

Good thing I wasn't relying on this garden to actually feed me. I haven't gotten much food out of it yet. :-)



At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, that's pretty funny...I was just thinking the same thing last night. "Good Lord...how do people feed themselves from their gardens? I would starve!"

Thank goodness for farmer's markets...

The Inadvertent Gardener


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