Local food challenge--meal #3

Our A/C broke about two weeks ago (we didn't fix it. Too much $$$. We do have a little room one if it gets too hot but it hasn't really yet) and I haven't felt much like firing up the stove or oven to cook, especially yesterday when it was about 90 with 150% humidity, so I used the crock pot to cook a roast (from our cow), some potatoes and some carrots (both from the farmers market) while I was at work. Yeah!
The melon is from the guy I bought the sweet corn from (he swears he grows it himself), the bread is from a local bakery and I had milk to drink from Heartland Creamery which is the most local milk I can find so far. The milk is really good. It comes in glass bottles and it's hormone free. Tastes sooo good. I'm still on the hunt for local butter and cheese if anyone has any suggestions.
In other news, since I watered the garden yesterday morning it fits that it rained last night and appears that it will be rainy all day today. Doh!
Use the crockpot more. If you did not get rid of it, a small crockpot cookbook was a stocking stuffer one year.
Meal looks wonderful.
Your own cow? That's impressive. How many do you keep?
Looks great, Matt!
I was speaking figuratively about my cow. Since I buy it directly from the farmer (and only a quarter) we refer to it as "our cow", even though we don't really own it. Since the city won't let me have chickens even I bet they would have a problem with a cow in my backyard!! :-)
Ironically, in Joel Salatin's book Salad Bar Beef he says that farmers should try to get their customers to refer to the farmer's products as "their product", like "my cow" or "my pig" etc. It builds loyalty and repeat business.
We've always referred to it that way since we got involved with it. I guess because buying direct is a lot more personal than buying at the store. I never went to the store and came home and said "we got a roast from our cow today", but I do it all the time with our eggs, potatoes, beans, etc. I guess it has something do with seeing the people who grow it and talking to them and being more involved with the process.
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