Friday, July 14, 2006

In difficulty

I have a difficult time at work this time of year. Not really difficult because I have more work to do (My work consists of mostly the same thing every day on repeat the following day. Kind of like the movie Groundhog Day, only not as funny. My favorite part of that movie is when he's letting the groundhog drive the truck and telling it not to drive angry. Don't drive angry!!) but it's more difficult to work because it's hard for me to tune into the Tour De France while also trying to do my work and trying not to appear to be a total slacker who does nothing but surf the net. (In reality I do surf the net a lot, but this is because I'm an extremely efficient worker and get all my work done quickly and no one will give me more to do even though I ask over and over and over for more work. I know, it's wired.)

Anyway, I'm forced to monitor the Tour online through reading play by play action as it's updated because I'm too cheap to buck up for full cable. We have basic cable at our house, mostly to insure I can watch CSI on Thursdays and be able to use PBS for the kids when I need a minute of peace and quiet. I don't mind doing this because I still get the gist of what is happening and it doesn't cost me a thing. But the British accent I use in my head while reading the updates isn't as good as the real thing.


At 4:05 AM, Blogger The Donut Guy said...

Oh man, you gotta get broadband.

It's like about a bazillion times faster then dial-up:-)

And it doesn't tie up your phone line...........

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I actually do have a modified broadband at home that is in between their full blown package and dialup. But I use the phone line, not the cable line. It allows me to only have one phone line just like broadband.

I'm willing to pay for fast internet just not 13 music channels and all that other crap.


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