I Love the smell of sweet corn in the steamer
I'm submitting my second picture for local meal #2 this summer.
Yesterday on the way home from work I saw one of the many farm stands that are popping up here and I turned in there like he was giving away gold. (In a way I guess he is) He had tomatoes, sweet corn, zucchinis and melons. I picked up 3 zucchinis (3 for a $1) and some sweet corn (12 for $4). I regret not picking up a melon today. Doh!!
I decided to make a little stir fry with the zucchinis (I used one that was fairly large) and also mixed in an onion from my garden, a few carrots (garden), some leftover potatoes and broccoli, and a clove of garlic (all local). I have to admit, I did use some oyster sauce, soy sauce and a little corn starch in it too for flavor and thickening. I think those are condiments though. As that was cooking I steamed some sweet corn (I know, it's a wierd combination but I just have to eat sweet corn when it's available). So, that's what we had for lunch today. A stir fry made from local veggies and some sweet corn. I'm proud of myself for only having 3 ears of corn. And it was a vegetarian meal to boot.
I snapped a quick pic today of my carrots after I yanked them from the garden. I also pulled up a little onion that had dislodged itself from the dirt. (I threw these in the stir fry) The carrots are pretty darn small, even though they are at their maturity date. I think I'll just have to leave the others out there longer to see what happens. They tasted just fine. Very carrotty, as my wife said.
It's kind of exciting as these are the first things I've harvested except greens. Yeah!
Have a good 4th.
I love homegrown carrots (even if they are small), they have so much more flavor. And I am *so* jealous about your sweet corn.
Ever thought about growing garlic? The scapes in early summer are awesome in stir-fries.
Great meal!
Garlic is on the plate to grow this fall/winter. I am definately doing to do that. From what I can tell about how to plant it I should plant it in the fall and let it grow until it gets cold and then go dormant over the winter. In the spring it springs back up and grows until it gets hot. We'll see if that's how it will work or not. I'm going to build a special raised bed for the garlic so I can use a cold frame to help the cloves grow later in the season.
I grilled the guy with the sweet corn about where he was from to make sure I wasn't getting corn from Georgia or Florida. I couldn't believe it was ready. It sure didn't taste like southern corn either.
Looked scrumptious.
Enjoyed your son and in-laws yesterday.
I believe you should be able to plant your carrots earlier in the season that what you did. If they get to big around they tend to be bitter tasting.
You will get there. Planted at the right time and you should have sweet corn by the 4th in Iowa.
Hardneck garlic is incredibly easy. Here in Maine we plant it by Halloween, and mulch with straw. In the spring, I pull the straw back and let them go to town. You shouldn't need a cold frame... we probably have similar climates and you'll be fine without. In the early summer you get to eat the flower stalks (called scapes or green garlic) which are sooo good in stirfries and more. You harvest the bulbs in August. Easy peasy. :)
I like easy peasy. Since you offered, sort of, I'm going to ask some questions. I hope that is OK?
How do you rotate the location of the garlic when it grows in that spot for so long? Do you just put garlic in the same spot again the next year or try to slide something else in there for a few months and then put garlic in there again in Oct?
Do garlic and onions have the same pests? I'm wondering if I can rotate those somehow in the same spots year after year. (I use raised beds so I'm thinking about having a special bed for garlic and onions and carrots that will be deeper than my normal beds) And I don't use any pest control so rotating is a fairly easy way to keep those critters away.
Your supper the other night was delicious! Fresh ground beef was great.
Guess Who!!??
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