Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tasty Tuesday

I just realized today that RAGBRAI is in just over 2 months away and I signed up to ride for a day. It's only 50 miles, but I better get on the bike and put in some miles so it's not a super bad experience.

It's tough to get on the bike right now with all the stuff going on. I've got softball once a week, kids all the time, family stuff, a garden growing, grass to mow over and over and over (someday I won't have any grass, just gardens or something, or maybe I'll get a goat that can eat the grass, yeah, a goat, that's what I need) and about 50 other things that come up at various times. I may have to start bringing the bike to work so I can get in some miles on it a couple times a week during my lunch break.

Interesting article about Lance Armstrong in the most recent SI. You should check it out if you get a chance. I can't find it online so maybe hit the library to read it. It's mostly about his cancer initiatives though. Not so much biking.

As cool and amazing as I think it is to ride your bike across America, walking beats that hands down.

We rode up to the local burger joint (truly local not a chain) and had some greasy food for dinner tonight. This place has the best broccoli cheddar nuggets. MMM MMM Good. Their prices are really reasonable too, so that's always good. Don't feel bad about the food since we rode our bikes there. Probably did 10 miles or so. The little guy is really getting the hang of riding his trail a bike. Unfortunately the chain fell off so he isn't much help pedaling right now, but he's practicing for when it's ready. I'll get a pic up here soon of him and his trusty steed.

Isn't it weird that I would rather pull him with no assistance from him than not use the bikes until it gets fixed? I don't think so, that's the power of biking.

For my money, hot tamales are the best candy out there. Just wanted to say that.



At 8:04 AM, Blogger Nathan said...

Careful with those Hot Tamales. I used to eat them like, well, candy until I suddenly became allergic to the artificial cinnamon flavor. I got hives in my mouth and down my throat that took over a week to go away. It took a couple painful experiences to figure out what was causing it.


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