A Changing World
Bike Miles today: 0
I should just stop putting out the miles as it seems like I can never get on the bike. My world is about to change though. My wife recently accepted a new job where she will be working full-time during the day. Currently she works PT hours at nights and weekends so she can stay home with our two boys during the day. While it's tough for her to go back to work FT, and for us to put our boys in daycare, it was a lot harder for us to never be together (or at least it was for me), especially because she was almost never home on the weekends to hang out with all of us. So we went this route because we need her to work to make ends meet.
So, based on the daycare situation I'll be responsible for taking one child to daycare each day to a location close to my work. She is going to take our older son to a preschool across the street from her work. This means that there won't be anymore riding my bike to work. This is a big blow to me as I really like to do that. But, it's just temporary for the next few years and then I can get back to riding to work. On the plus side, I'll be able to ride at nights and on the weekends now so I think I'll actually be able to ride more.
I have thought about riding with my son and using our trailer and then leaving it at the daycare. I don't think the time constraints around when he can be there in the morning will allow that to work though. I might be able to work something out picking him up on the bike during the summer. Here where I work we have what are called "summer hours". It's not a guarantee that it will happen every summer but it has for about 20 years or so. Anyway, during the summer if you wish you can work an extra 30 mins M-Th and then skip your lunch and leave on Fridays about 3 hours early. On those days I think I would easily be able to go home, get the gear and then go pick him up. As long as I can find a route that is safe for us to ride on to get there. Hopefully I can work something out.
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