Thursday, January 26, 2006

A little mid-afternoon delight

Bike Miles today: About 12 (I don't have a computer so I'm estimating)

The weather was so great here this afternoon that I stayed out a little longer on my way home. Stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things too. It's always nice to run errands on the bike. The winds were brutal today though. For the great winds I had on Tuesday I was paying it back today.

I noticed that the illustrious Tim from Bicycles and icicles mentioned that it is OK for me to use my self-imposed acronym. Thanks for coming by Tim. Your blog is obviously one of the ones I read (as shown by my links to the side) but your blog also helped me get motivated to start my own blog. Not to mention how Tim lives in Alaska and rides his bike in winter. I feel kind of bad wimping out with our weather here sometimes.

I'm being short tonight. It's late and I'm wiped from fighting the evil forces of the Trojan Virus. Shall they rest in peace.


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