Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fly with the wind my friend, fly with the wind!!

Bike Miles today: 9

Tough ride to work this morning. I should have had a sign in front of me today when I was pedaling warning of extreme headwinds ahead. I soldiered on hoping that I would get the return benefit on the way home. And boy did I.

The wind was blowing a lot harder in the afternoon, and I was literally flying down the road. I had the gears wrapped all the way up and my chubby little legs were just hammering up and down on the pedals. I don't even remember a lot of the ride I was focusing on churning the pedals and using the tailwind so much. I can't remember having a tailwind that strong before. It is a great feeling to be flying up and down the hills and passing cars as they slow down for traffic. That's a feeling you can't replicate in the gym.

I promised a messenger bag review today but I'm going to try the bag for a few more days to make sure my love of the bag isn't too quick. God knows I don't want to fall head over heals on the first date. After riding home from work in the snow last Friday I have to perform a little TLC on the trusty steed tonight before it revolts on me or something.

I've decided to start referring to myself as FGLB. Is it OK to give myself a nickname, if that is what this is? I don't really know the rules on nicknames. Are you only allowed to use a nickname if someone bestows it upon you? Do acronyms count as a nickname?

I tried to search the net for a list of nickname rules but came up empty. So I'm left to wonder the etiquette of nicknames. In college we would bust the chops of guys who would give themselves a nickname, but we busted everyone for anything we could find so does that really count? I don't know. All I know is that I just wasted 5 minutes of my life writing all this dribble about nicknames.



At 10:20 AM, Blogger Tim said...

When the alternative is repeatedly typing something as long as "Fat Guy On a Little Bike," you're definitely entitled to revert to an acronym.


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